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Água nas Guelras - Still 2 (300).jpg

water in the gills

24' DOC

Directed by: Marco Schiavon

Screenplay: Marco Schiavon and Catarina Carvalho

Synopsis - EN

Água nas Guelras is the story of a meeting between the spirit of a man and the spirit of the place, the island. It is a metaphorical immersion in the complexity of the process that leads a man to know himself and to understand life, resorting to ritual to find himself again. 

Corredor is grateful for its support for the internationalization of the Gulbenkian Foundation and Arquipélago - Center for Contemporary Arts

Water on the gills  |  GALLERY
Achievement grade

We traveled around the Azores archipelago over three months, and we had the privilege of getting to know these places almost from the perspective of a local, or at least, this was our feeling.


The simple way of traveling without too many pretensions that has been with us for years, allowed us to deepen relationships with the people we were meeting along the way, open and good-hearted people, who welcomed us into their homes and who stayed with us in long conversations giving start of good friendships. We thus had the opportunity to understand the soul of this land and its inhabitants, to tune in to the type of life that flows here and to be inevitably fascinated.


For some time now, there has been a conflict between life in the city, with its noise, frantic rhythms, straight horizons, but also with its urban, architectural fascination, social life and access to culture, and on the other hand, a calmer life, connected to nature, to its rhythms, simpler and more ancestral, but also inevitably more isolated.


The Azores had a great impact at this stage of our lives and when we got to know Franz, his story and his point of view, the desire to draw a portrait naturally arose.


Realization and Argument



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